News; Weekend Wrap up and the Edwin Drood Ticket Sale

10/24/2016-  Another busy weekend in the books…taught on Saturday morning until 3 PM, then packed up and was loading in at a private party by 4:30 PM.

This was sometime around 7:00 that evening.  I was so glad I set my rig up by the fire pit. The wind had picked up and it was getting pretty raw out.


Home from that event around midnight, and had a few rehearsals on Sunday.

We’re rolling up on the start of Edwin Drood….only another week to go. Sitzprobe was tonight.  The Sitzprobe is where the cast meets the orchestra/band for the first time and they run a rehearsal together.  Amazingly, today was the first time many of the musicians in the orchestra had worked together for this production….we’re all pretty busy with gigs, apparently.



That’s my bass on the left, sporting a new set of Spirocore strings today and one of Ted Johnson’s bass protectors.  Ana tried helping me with a restring on that bass earlier in the day…#kittyphotobomb.  The old Belcantos were swatted at as they came off the bass.


Readers of this blog who are local to me might be interested in knowing that tickets for Edwin Drood will be half price on October 26th.  So grab your tickets on Wednesday and come catch the show! The ending of every show will be different as the audience votes on the outcome, so you may want to catch it more than once.


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